Here is the latest news in town.
Are you an
applicant currently searching for a job?
And you can’t seem to find any?
Are you
looking for the kind of business that would change your life from poverty to
that of a successful man?
Your search
is over
In this
seminar you will be introduce to simple ways you can make over a N100, 000
monthly blogging with no startup capital what so ever. This is a business that
currently making many Nigeria’s rich. you can make huge profit without
investing a single kobo of your personal
money, all the hidden secrets of the business will be revealed to you.
In this
seminar, we will teach you how to import with free shipping to your doorstep.
After this seminar you will start importing cheap laptops for as low as N5000,
blackberry phones, designer clothes, foot wears and many more.
You will
also know how to make a fortune in domain real estate business, you will be
taught how to invest your first $12 and turn it into $2,000 in 30days buying
and selling Domain names.
In this
seminar will learn how to design a complete website using simple CMS
applications, social media marketing, beedmaking, Fish hatching and fingerling
productions and how to make so much money from bitcoin and other crypto
In this
seminar you will learn how to send free bulk SMS and how to make 100% profit
from bulk SMS business and create your own bulksms website.
Do you know
that the price of solar electrical compact has crashed by up to 80%? A solar
panel of 80 watts that is sold for up to N80,000 can now be obtained for
N20,000. This is due to Icotech production method, so there is no reason why
you to continue suffering for power blackout.
In this same
seminar, we will teach you the simple method of installing solar electricity in
your homes, offices that will power all you appliances. No more NEPA bills at
the end of the month and you will enjoy electricity 24 hours.
For those
who wish to install solar in their homes and offices also install solar sheet
light and solar water pumps, they can contact us.
- OH! Let I forget, do you have a UPS, yes the same UPS used with the computer, you can come with it
In this
seminar we will teach you how to convert it `into your electricity generator to
power your household and office appliances.
This seminar
will hold in Asaba Monday30 October – Friday 3 October .
ENQUIRQY CALL: O9037382793 OR 08038302459
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